Cocky as He๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

Anne Listerโ€™s confidence here is striking. โ€œYou can fall in love with a woman as a woman, but letโ€™s be honest, if you were gonna pick any woman, youโ€™d pick me.โ€ Actually, one of the sexiest qualities of AL throughout the series is her experience with women. I mean, even in the 21st century, we have little on television or in society to guide us lesbians when it comes to relationships. It still isnโ€™t mainstream. Can you imagine what it was like in the 19th century?? AL had to teach herself. In fact, I believe part of why she sought education in anatomy was to understand her own body and its desires as well as to help other women understand themselves, how their body works (because I am sure most men had it wrong or didnโ€™t care to learn (just like today (yeah I said it))), and that being gay was as natural as can be. How groundbreaking! In that respect, she has every right to be cocky as h-e-๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ (these hockey sticks are backwards but you get my meaning). 


A writer who writes. Imagine that!

The Muffin Man


Inexplicable Delight