Omg. This image is actually the definition of picturesque! In fact, this photo holds the word picturesque to a higher standard. The word already has an interesting ‘q’ in it, and to be honest I have never felt like it’s lived up to its innate uniqueness (unlike the q in ‘unique’ – that word has been over-utilized since the dawn of time…so ironic). Until now, 'picturesque' has mainly been used to describe a quaint (I see you q) setting or series of rolling hills - which are significant, don’t get me wrong, but the beauty in this photo unequaled (q alert)! But now. Now ‘picturesque’ is getting somewhere. NOW it can finally reach it’s word destiny by being used to describe the exquisiteness that is this photo/edit (oh look, another q – those q’s sure do know how to get a point across don’t they?).
I must say, this quarantine day (omg, another q) is looking up! I’ve already assisted an underutilized word fulfill its life’s purpose in a sentence. What more should be required (q!) of such a day??? Hmm, what to do next…..oh I know! I will quietly (q!) gaze with longing at the slightly dampened, quintessentially (q!) soft cheeks of AW as AL gently cups her face, patiently soothes her heart, and sweetly kisses her tears away. That should take up the next 2 hours. I also plan on giving q’s a rest for the day, they deserve a break after this tangent of a post.